
Who are you?

I have never been such a big online shopper as I have been lately. This is partly due to my having signed up for...oh....about 10 email lists and/or discount sites (Rue La La, Myhabit, name a few). So they show up in my inbox, and I open them, and all other activities lose all hope of progress.

I've also never been such a shoe girl, but lately they've become integral to my operation. Not that I walked around barefoot before, but I'm enthralled lately. I really never understood what it was about shoes that people could be so passionate about them, but suddenly I get it.

I think I'm in a transition period where the shoes I own don't just do don't it for me, but I'm not exactly sure what's next. I hit a period like this with my entire wardrobe when I was in Australia last year. Getting dressed was a nightmare, because not only was I living out of a suitcase (one suitcase, mind you, for six months) but I was uncomfortable with my current style but unsure of where it was headed next. Uncertainty like this is indicative of uncertainty elsewhere in your life I think. I try to think of it as just another source of inspiration.

It's frustrating, but equally exciting to know you're headed somewhere new.

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