
Bedroom Inspirations

From sharing a room with my big brother, to moving into a dorm to my first of (way too) many apartments while in school, my bedroom has changed many times. Last year alone I moved SEVEN times, including a move to spend six months in Australia. Moving around was exciting and so much fun, and in the process I've whittled down how much stuff I own, which is great. I've also whittled down my attachment to my bedroom, wherever it may be, which isn't so great.

Now I'm headed to Australia in January for a year, and I'm already thinking about what my room there will be like, because I want it to be mine, all mine !! I'm loving these eclectic rooms that look a bit haphazard but are pulled back down to earth with clean simplicity warmed up with rich colors, and lots of personal touches.
Some food for thought.

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