
More Patterns Please

I keep this never ending, always changing list in my mind of things I want to add to my wardrobe or my style. So when I go shopping I can go without something specific in mind, which I would consequently never find,  but still have an aim. One of the things on that list is patterns. I'm so terribly safe !! I've been taking baby steps, first I've introduced a few loud colors. A rust-orange blazer, a bright red shirt, some purple corduroys, but always solids.
I definitely think it's possible to look great and stand out in simple classic looks, but I don't feel good about playing it safe all the time. I went shopping today with patterns in mind, and I bought 1 pair black jeans, 1 white collared sleeveless shirt, 2 pairs brown leather shoes. Ahhahaha, I should banish myself to the burger sweatshirt.

pictures from EAS, The Sartorialist, Tumblr, 

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